Computational Methods in Physics ASU Physics PHY 494


The lessons in chronological order so far1 (the list will be complete at the end of the semester):

  1. 00 Installing the environment
  2. 01 The Unix Shell
  3. 02 The first Python program
  4. 03 Git Basics
  5. 04 Introduction to Python I — Variables and Python data types
  6. 04 Introduction to Python II — Flow control
  7. 04 Introduction to Python III — Functions
  8. 04 Introduction to Python IV — Modules and Objects
  9. 05 Debugging Primer
  10. 06 Introduction to NumPy
  11. 07 Numbers
  12. 08 Errors
  13. 09 Differentiation
  14. 10 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
  15. 11 Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations
  16. 12 ODEs: Applications
  17. 13 Root finding by trial-and-error
  18. 14 Linear Algebra
  19. 15 Code optimization
  20. 16 Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)
  21. 17 Solving PDEs with time stepping
  22. 18 PDEs: Wave equation
  23. Final Poster Symposium
  24. Summary and Review

Sometimes lessons span more than one lecture but this is not explicitly marked. The dates associated with each lesson indicate the day when the lesson was introduced for the first time.

Most of the teaching material is available as Jupyter notebooks and linked from the lesson pages (typically, near the bottom). For lessons in progress, links initially only point to incomplete materials. Full materials including solutions to in-class problems are always made available after the completion of the lesson.

  1. The most recent lesson in the list on this page started on May 6, 2019.