Computational Methods in Physics ASU Physics PHY 494

15 Code optimization

Basic Code optimization

When it comes to optimizing code, there are a few stages that we need to go through. The major contributor to performance speedup is a proper understanding of how to write efficient code. Another contributor is leveraging the hardware of your computer. We will briefly consider both of these contributions to computational performance.

In general the best way to find where your code might be slow is to open up ipython and use the magic command %prun somefunction(). This will run the function and display where it spent time doing computations. For the most part this is always the first thing you do.

For instance, if you are calculating pairwise interactions for, say molecular dynamics, you will need to calculate all the forces in order to propagate momentum which in turn propagates translation. With these pairwise interactions it is necessary to calculate the forces on particle i due to all particles j and then sum them. For a system of 4 particles we would then need the following sets of forces:

F(1,1)  F(1,2)  F(1,3)  F(1,4)
F(1,2)  F(2,2)  F(2,3)  F(2,4)
F(1,3)  F(2,3)  F(3,3)  F(3,4)
F(1,4)  F(2,4)  F(4,3)  F(4,4)
  F = np.zeros((4,4,3)) # 4 atoms by 4 atoms by a 3 vector

  for i in range(4):
    for j in range(4):
      F[i,j] = calculate_force(i,j)

From here, the sum of the columns will be the total force on particle i due to all particles j. That's 16 values you need to determine. Let's say that to compute any force given two indices it will take 1 second. Naturally, F(i,i) = 0 and we will say that the time to compute these zeros are zero themselves. So to compute all of the forces, it will take us 16s-4s = 12s to fill out the table above.

Just write better algorithms

Our first iteration of optimization will be related to just writing a smarter algorithm. For these pairwise interactions, our forces are antisymmetric under interchange of indices:

This means that using, say F(1,2), we can calculate F(2,1) simply by negating the previous result. So our better code would be:

  F = np.zeros((4,4,3)) # 4 atoms by 4 atoms by a 3 vector

  for i in range(4):
    for j in range(i):
      F[i,j] = calculate_force(i,j)
      F[j,i] = - F[i,j]

This then goes through fewer pairs and gives the full force tensor. In the end our heavy 1 second calculation is run 8 fewer times from our previous 12. With a large number of atoms the number of calculations $N$ is then $N' = N/2$. Thus, we increase our performance by a factor of 2.

Parallel Processing

Our next iteration is to use the computer's hardware to do extra work for us. In particular, we are going to consider using more CPU cores (instead of just one) to do calculations concurrently using the multiprocessing module included in Python 2 and 3. This stage in optimization is very application dependent and, more often than not, behaves very differently than you would expect. It helps to understand this process having already gone through mapping.

  In [1]: def square(x):
   ...:     return x**2

  In [2]: list(map(square, [1,2,3,4]))                                            
  Out[2]: [1, 4, 9, 16]

  In [3]: list(map(square,list(map(square, [1,2,3,4]))))                          
  Out[3]: [1, 16, 81, 256]

All a map does is apply a function linearly to all elements of an iterable. In the first case we apply the square function to a list [1,2,3,4] and cast the result to a list since the returned map object can actually be quite complicated, which we will not burden ourselves with. As the second example, we apply the square function to what was returned and effectively raising all elements to the fourth power. Each application of the square function to an element is independent of the other elements and is a prime example of a set of calculations that can be parallelized. As a general rule, anything that can be written as a map can be parallelized. The multiprocessing module has a process Pool that features a parallelized map implementation.

  from multiprocessing import Pool

  def square(x):
    return x**2

  p = Pool(processes=4) # use 4 cores instead of 1

  print(, [1,2,3,4]))

This will send each argument to it's own process. If you have more arguments than cores, the next free process will take on the next job in line.

Going back to our original example of calculating the forces on 4 particles due to each other, it seems fairly clear that you could in principle calculate the force on all particles at the same time. If you have the positions for particles 1-4, why would the value of F(1,2) depend on F(1,3) or F(1,4)? They don't and we can parallelize these calculations.

  from multiprocessing import Pool

  F = np.zeros((4,4,3)) # 4 atoms

  pairs = []

  for i in range(4):
    for j in range(i):

  p = Pool(processes=4)

  results =, pairs) # note that this calculate_force function
                                          # has to be a bit different than the previous
                                          # one. It takes a tuple of indices rather
                                          # than two arguments. This is a limitation
                                          # of this method.

  for n, r in enumerate(results):
    i,j = pairs[n]
    F[i,j] = r[:]
    F[j,i] = -r[:]

This will split up all of the force calculations across 4 cores. Great! This must mean an increase in performance of a factor of 4 right? Not quite. As stated earlier, the method here is application dependent. In this particular case, it takes a relatively long time to load in the new data into a process that just completed its previous job. This can potentially decrease performance.

One way around this problem is to chunk your data. Let's say we actually had 400 atoms and 4 cores to do the computation. Instead of telling each process to calculate a single interaction at a time, tell it calculate N/4 at a time without needing to load in any new data into that processes memory. You would need to calculate the first N/4 pairs (where N is the number of calculations) and feed all of those into a force calculator that can take in multiple sets of indices. All 4 processes would work away at these collections of index pairs and the Pool would give you back a list of the collections of force calculations. If your returned values from your force calculator are numpy arrays, you can easily stack them using the np.vstack function. Sometimes writing efficient parallelized code will force you do juggle data in a very unintuitive way which can lead to messing up the accuracy of the results. Keep this in mind and always test changes that you have made.