Computational Methods in Physics ASU Physics PHY 494

09 Differentiation

Taking numerical derivatives is based on the elementary definition

We will then derive different finite difference approximations to the derivative and assess their error.

Class material

You can follow the lecture in the slides 09-differentiation.ipynb. 1

For the problem that you should solve during the class, get the notebook 09-differentiation-students.ipynb.2

Additional resources

  • Computational Physics: Ch 5.1 – 5.6
  • If you are interested in integration then see the lectures on integration in 2016; this year we are skipping this part in favor of more in-depth programming exercises.


  1. The notebook is not complete yet ("part 1"); the full notebook 09-differentiation.ipynb will be posted after the student exercise 09-differentiation-students.ipynb has been completed. 

  2. git pull your PHY494-resources repository).